Ready To Boost Your Cash Flow, Attract The RIGHT Clients, And Build Marketing Systems That SELL While You Sleep Without Working Harder?

You're in the right place!

Because here's the deal: if you're ready to achieve massive breakthroughs FAST in 2024, you don't need more courses or training...

You need customized strategy, feedback, accountability, and direction for YOUR SPECIFIC business, so you can get through the obstacles quickly, focus only on what matters in your business, and get results.

After opening enrollment in our 1:1 Coaching Program (TBLC), last year, we realized we have more demand than seats available.

And though we'd love to work with EVERYONE 1:1, that's just not possible.

So we put our heads together and asked ourselves ONE question:

What would happen if you, me, Chris, and a hand full of other like-minded entrepreneurs met together in a small group to grow your business in a FOCUSED way over the next six months?

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Enter TBL+, Our New Group Coaching Tier

in The Business Lounge!

So what is TBL+ and why should you join?

Glad you asked.

After spending the last 2 years coaching our TBL members to accelerate their business growth & get CLEAR on how to cash flow through VIP Days, 1:1 Coaching & Bootcamps, we realized that a HUGE missing piece was access to personalized guidance and business advice.

We launched TBL+ to help you dramatically accelerate your business growth, cut your implementation time in half, and give you real-time feedback so you're growing your cash flow without running around in circles trying to figure out how to apply proven strategies to your SPECIFIC business, or having to work harder.

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What's Included:

Meet with us LIVE 2x per month for Zoom Sessions with Kim, Chris, Bryan in a small group setting to build your marketing system!

LIVE Hotseats where you can get your specific question answered from Kim + Chris to skip through the obstacles & only focus on what works!

Follow A Structured Marketing Systems Curriculum, implement in real-time, and collaborate with other TBL+ members in our Breakout Pods, so you can get clarity and those 'aha' moments faster.

Private Access to our Group Voxer Thread for ongoing masterminding with your fellow TBL+ Members, PLUS an occassional Bonus Resource Drop from Kim + Chris.

Access to ALL Replays in case you have to miss a Session along the worries, we got you!

You'll also get Done-For-You, Templates, PDFs, Swipe Files & more to make this your best year yet!

Just a FEW #Receipts From Our Amazing Clients:

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What Current TBL+ Group Coaching Members

Are Already Saying About The Program...

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Why NOW is the BEST Time To Join Us...

By now you've seen the incredible value of this program, everything that's included and our amazing client stories (because around here we're not about airy fairy fluffy advice, we get RESULTS)...

So you might be thinkin', ''that sounds amazing, but I'll join later because...

I don't have the time...


I don't want to make another investment...


I don't know if I'm ready...

Listen, I totally get it.

Investing in yourself, in your business, and in your future is SCARY (especially if you've been burned in the past).

But I'll never forget the words one of my mentors shared with me:

''Everyone considers the cost and time investment in coaching, but no one considers the cost of staying STUCK in the same place a year from now.''

Ouch! I felt called out, but SHE WAS SO FREAKIN' RIGHT!

Do you know what's scarier than making an investment that stretches you?

Having to go back to a 9-5 because you were too scared to take the leap and get the direction you needed to THRIVE.

That's real.

In life and in business, we get to pick our scary.

We get to say 'YES' or 'NO' to the doors that open before us.

2024 is a do-or-die kind of year.

It will challenge us all in massive ways, so we can't afford to do the same 'ole thing and hope for better results.

Hope is not plan. Neither is 'trying harder.'

You need something better, and we have a proven track record helping 34,000+ entrepreneurs get real, tangible results (not fluff like other marketing coaches offer).

And hey, you'll be investing the time in your business anyway, why not invest it with US and get exponentially better results than you have on your own?

Not to mention, we'll have replays for every session AND our new 'Catch Up Tracks' so you never feel like you're falling behind no matter what life throws your way.

And lastly, here's why you'll be saving an absurd amount of cash by joining NOW (rather than later)... Here's the math.


Meet with us LIVE 2x per month for Zoom Sessions with Kim, Chris, Bryan in a small group setting to build your marketing system! ($5,000 Value)

Open 'Hot Seats' where we can walk you through specific business challenges and how to implement smart marketing and business strategies for YOUR specific business. $2,000 Value

Follow A Structured Marketing Systems Curriculum, implement in real-time, and collaborate with other TBL+ members in our Breakout Pods, so you can get clarity and those 'aha' moments faster.

Group Pods where you can bounce ideas off other business owners, get feedback, accountability and support. ($1,000 Value)

Private Access to our Group Voxer Thread for ongoing masterminding with your fellow TBL+ Members, PLUS an occassional Bonus Resource Drop from Kim + Chris.

Access to ALL Replays in case you have to miss a Session along the worries, we got you! ($200 Value)

You'll also get High-Level Done-For-You, Templates, PDFs, Swipe Files & more to make this your best year yet! ($2,000 Value)

BONUS: Funnels Bootcamp Live Seat ($1,000 Value)

Normally, to get coaching from Chris and I (Kim), you'd need to be a part of our high-level Coaching program, 'TBLC' and our coaching clients pay anywhere from $10,000-$36,000.

But we're not going to charge you $10,000-36,000k.

We're not even going to charge you the regular admission price of $6,000...

Because when you join today, you'll get $1,000 worth of bonuses




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FOUNDING MEMBER RATE = Only $12,000 $5,000

(OR 12 Installments Of $500)

So... what's the catch?!

There's no catch, other than time is running out to get this amazing deal + all the bonuses!

This is your time to multiply your God-given calling exponentially and build a business that's both profitable AND fulfilling without working harder.

Let's do it together.


Kim & Chris



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